Why use our Biodegradable Products?

Unfortunately in Pakistan, there is no sizeable formal procedure of waste management or recycling and waste is either filled in ad-hoc landfill sites or more commonly, littered. Plastic films specifically choke sewage which results in oozing out awfully dirty water on streets making stinking pools as good breeding grounds for a number of vectors of diseases like flies and mosquitoes. These vectors spread diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhea, awful odour and contamination of drinking water thus further spreading these diseases and even hepatitis B and spoiling sanitation more dominantly in the bigger cities of Pakistan.

The products that we manufacture degrade automatically when they are exposed to UV Light, aerobic conditions of a landfill or in the presence of moisture. Hence, whether they are put into landfill conditions or littered, they will automatically start biodegrading. Alternately, and we encourage this, they can also be recycled.

Hence, companies that are switching to biodegradable products have a number of advantages at their hand to use. Some of them are as follows:

-Fulfil your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) without raising any major costs.
-Be an Environmentally friendly company and advertise on your biodegradable plastic products!
-Reduce your Carbon Foot-Print.
-Change the World but don’t change the Earth! Help in creating a Greener, sustainable and beautiful future for the next generations!


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